
Please take a moment and pause to think about how Dr Vachhani has positively made an impact on your professional career as well as your day- to-day life in general.

Apurwa khare
Apurwa khare

The doyen of our first batch, who inspired us till now.Lot of intact memories related to hostel disciplines and classes specially the strength of materials.
We Can defined you the great Samaritan and an oracle of BIT.

Anil G. Khandelwal
Anil G. Khandelwal

After admission we had just one chance to meet Sir, but that was enough to know what fortune we're going to miss in coming years as soon Sir was transferred, but eventhen notes from seniors based on his pictorial black board work helped us a lot in simplyfying complex structural subjects during final years studies !
GEC, Jabalpur 1983